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“Barnes & Noble Plans to Open 30 New Brick-and-Mortar Stores Despite Rise in Online Shopping”

Bookseller Barnes & Noble is doubling down on brick-and-mortar retail despite the pandemic-driven shift to online shopping. The company plans to open about 30 new stores this year, almost double the number it opened in 2022. This comes after the bookseller opened 17 new stores in 2022, the most in a single year since 2009.

Barnes & Noble has experienced a recent surge in sales, partly due to the significant expansion of the physical book market. While e-books have gained popularity in recent years, physical books have experienced a resurgence in demand. In fact, the Association of American Publishers reported that print book sales increased by 2.4% in 2021, while e-book sales decreased by 4.9%. The bookseller is also revamping its membership program to keep up with changing consumer needs. The company’s membership program has not been updated in decades, and Barnes & Noble is looking to create a free program to complement its standard paid one. This move is aimed at attracting a wider audience and increasing customer loyalty.

The decision to expand its physical presence and revamp its membership program is a bold move for Barnes & Noble, as many retailers have shifted their focus to e-commerce in the wake of the pandemic. However, the company is betting that there is still a place for physical stores in the retail landscape, particularly in the book industry. It remains to be seen how the new stores will perform and whether the revamped membership program will be successful. However, Barnes & Noble’s commitment to physical retail is a sign that there may be opportunities for growth and innovation in the brick-and-mortar space, even in the face of a changing retail landscape.